Typing test and free online typing tutor. Learn to type with all 10 fingers! Suitable for all ages, from young to old, Ten Thumbs whisks you through lessons designed for all. Lesson Ten: THE BACKSPACE KEY. Typing Test TQ, Typing Invaders and 10 Finger BreakOut are integrated into. 7: Teaches typing to people of all abilities. Online free typing tutorial with typing lessons for Qwerty keyboard.
Free Online Typing Lessons QWERTY, AZERTY, DVORAK and more. We are proud to offer 15 typing games, 10 different WPM typing tests, an in- house typing tutor, a massive typing games arcade, and a comprehensive directory. My two sons than age 11 and 12 learnes 10 fingers typing in 3 weeks by. Com: Typing Tutor 10: Software. Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor 4. Get officially certified for your typing and 10 key skills.
TypingWeb is a free online typing tutor & keyboarding tutorial for typists of all skill levels. KeyBlaze typing tutor software is designed to assist with learni ng touch typing, 10 key and speed. If you type 50 key strokes per minute your typing rate is 10 wpm. 5: Improve your typing skills in a fun way, and much more downloads.